Mediums / Intuitives
Denise Iwaniw
Whether you are looking for one on one psychic development coaching from an experienced and authentic teacher or looking for spiritual insight for a specific area in your spiritual life, this is a perfect vehicle to help you accomplish either or both from the comfort of your own home and sacred space. With over two decades of national and international teaching to her credit, author and psychic medium, Denise Iwaniw, is now offering this unique opportunity to assist you in exploring and expanding your Gifts of Spirit under her skillful guidance. Denise will provide useful homework and skill training for you to continue to strengthen your abilities as a teacher, or spiritual advisor.
Spiritual Coaching |
Mindy Hills / Spiritual Coach
Spiritual guidance is being present in the moment, seeing and honoring the sacred mystery of the soul of another. It's modeling a deep relationship with the Divine and standing in faith and love with one another as the relationship unfolds. The purpose of Spiritual Guidance is to discern individual strengths and to assist others in finding clarity to determine a loving course of action which allows for transitioning to their inner truth. |
Sahra Alexander / Spiritual Coach
Within Joy is a practice of inner healing and play that empowers you to create the life you choose. Sahra will help you to explore things within yourself you never knew were there; to access your Divine Self for answers within. Sahra has played in the realm of healing for more than two decades. She has studied extensively, and been divinely guided. She applies many unique approaches to activate your spirit, relax your mind, and soothe the body. |
Jan Atwood, Grand Rapids MI
Jan is a Reiki Master Teacher and practices and teaches in Grand Rapids, MI. She is a spiritual director and is also trained in CranioSacral and Raindrop Therapy. Her website is:
Betsy Hess, Grand Rapids MI
Betsy is a Reiki Master and practices in the Grand Rapids area. You can contact her via email at: Website:
Anne Meyer, White Bear Lake MN
Anne is a Reiki Master who practices in White Bear Lake MN. Techniques: Reiki, Chakra clearing/balancing, Magnetic clearing, brushing and sweeping. Also Ask & Receive (Radomski). Pieces of Mind and Body 651.485.8432
Lori Richardson, St. Louis MO
Lori is a Reiki Master and practices Animal Reiki in St. Louis MO. She is also a Natural Allergy Elimination Practioner and works on both animals and people with allergy issues. Her email address is:
Tina Ritchie, Kalamazoo MI
Tina is a Reiki Master Teacher and practices and teaches Reiki in Kalamazoo MI. She is also trained in Sacred Childbirth with Reiki. Her website is:
Linda Unterkircher, Grand Rapids MI
Linda is a Reiki Master in Grand Rapids MI. She is a member of the Grand Rapids Wellness Collective where she practices Reiki and teaches Essential Oils classes. Her website is: |